Resolve to Actually Use Military Family Resources in 2017!
We all know there are resources out there to support us as military families. Each military installation has family support offices, recreation services, education centers, childcare facilities and surely others that we just haven’t had time to learn about. Social...
Why Military Spouses with Degrees Shouldn’t Disregard MyCAA Certifications
With a resource as great as MyCAA, The Major Group hopes that all military spouses, despite their previous education, can take advantage of their $4,000 military spouse grant while they are eligible. If you already have a degree, chances are you’ve heard of MyCAA and...
Absentee Ballots for Military Families — What You Need to Know
Even though military families are likely be absent from their homes of record come Election Day, your vote still counts! The Federal Voting Assistance Program (FVAP) provides voting assistance for service members, their families, and overseas citizens. You can’t...